Farcast D2 Mod 1.14d

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Oct 2, 2003 - Download Rune Word Mod now from the world's largest gaming download site. Downloads: 33,475,131. Also known as: Diablo 2. Runewords in Diablo 2 - runewords Tardis Mod patch. Knights Diablo II Bulgarian server.

Due to the coming ladder reset I thought I'd post this website I made here. It allows you to search over all of the runewords and filter based on select criteria. I know there are several other websites that do the same thing but I found all of those to look dated and be a bit confusing at first glance, so I made this.
If you find any bugs or have any feedback or suggestions I'm all ears, I'd be happy to add more features!
It incinerates my eyes with brightness. I'd hate to open it up at 2am in a jet black room while playing this dark game. I'd scream 'MY EYES!' I do like that you added the required clvl to your list, but you forgot to add which rune words can be used where - Ladder Only, Single Player..
For example this is Blizzard's actual site: http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/runewords-110.shtml , but I think you know that, judging by your layout of 'Properties' compared to their 'Completed Stats'. Darken it up and add where the words can be used.

This is the portion of my website that I use to try my best to contribute to the Diablo II LoD 1.14d community. Here you will find my mod + source code to edit D2s character save files + source code to observe changes in D2S files so that you can edit as you will.

  1. Does runeword mod work in 1.14d? Does GoMule work with 1.14d? I'm assuming people here have tried it out already. If I don't hear anything back about it, I'm just installing it and going with it because right now my game is launching fine and everything seems to be in order. My second question is about -direct -txt.
  2. My new hack to Diablo 2 1.14dNetcode BMPK v.2.1Have fun!
It incinerates my eyes with brightness. I'd hate to open it up at 2am in a jet black room while playing this dark game. I'd scream 'MY EYES!' I do like that you added the required clvl to your list, but you forgot to add which rune words can be used where - Ladder Only, Single Player..
For example this is Blizzard's actual site: http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/runewords-110.shtml , but I think you know that, judging by your layout of 'Properties' compared to their 'Completed Stats'. Darken it up and add where the words can be used.

Thanks for the feedback! The next thing on my list to implement is a darker theme to avoid the exact issue that you brought up!
Unless I am doing it wrong, selecting multiple runes does not show only the runewords with both of those runes. For instance, selecting Tal and Ral, it shows runewords containing Tal and runewords containing Ral, but it should only show the runewords containing both.
Unless I am doing it wrong, selecting multiple runes does not show only the runewords with both of those runes. For instance, selecting Tal and Ral, it shows runewords containing Tal and runewords containing Ral, but it should only show the runewords containing both.

That's what the strict option is for. If strict is selected it works as you said, otherwise it just shows runewords that have at least one of the runes in the list
English (US)

Diablo 2 1.14d Runeword Mod

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Если вы поместите определенную комбинацию рун в правильном порядке в предмет требуемого типа и с требуемым количеством сокетов, название предмета будет выделено золотым цветом, и предмет получит мощные магические характеристики, зависящие от того, какое Рунное Слово было использовано. Преимущество Рунных Слов состоит в том, что вы можете добавлять эти магические бонусы в любой предмет с подходящим количеством сокетов. Вы можете, например, использовать элитный или исключительный меч. Вы можете находить все более лучшие предметы и собирать в них Рунные слова. Salter orthopaedic ebook.

Правила собирания Рунных Слов

  • Когда вы собираете рунное слово, вы получаете все магические бонусы, которые дают вставленные руны по отдельности.
  • Предмет должен иметь только то количество сокетов, которое требует формула. Если слово состоит из 3 рун, вы должны использовать предмет только с 3 сокетами.
  • Предмет должен быть требуемого типа. Если формула требует меч, то она не будет работать с копьем или топором.
  • Рунные слова работают только с немагическими предметами. Это значит, что рунные слова не могут быть собраны в магических, редких, сетовых или уникальных предметах.
  • Руны должны быть помещены в предмет в правильном порядке.

Типы предметов для формул

Body Armor (нательная броня) = Толька те доспехи, которые надеваются на туловище. Study material for kids. Другие доспехи, такие как ботинки, шлема, перчатки и.т.п., не подходят.

Banking guide by g subramanian pdf. Please ensure that no charges are debited to our account. All charges for credit should be borne by the purchasers. The charges, if any, will be recovered through VPP, which will be costlier for the purchaser.

Helms = Любая броня, надеваемая на голову, включая шлемы, классовые шлемы Друидов и Варваров, тиары и цирклеты.

Shield = Любая броня, используемая для блокировки атаки, включая щиты и классовые щиты Некромантов и Паладинов.

Clubs = Club и ее исключительная/элитная версия.

Hammers (молотки) = War Hammer, Maul, Great Maul и их исключительные/элитные версии.

Maces (дубины) = Mace, Morning Star, Flail и их исключительные/элитные версии.

D2 Mod Downloads


Melee Weapons (рукопашные оружия) = Любое оружие, не являющееся дистанционным.

Missile Weapons (оружия со стрелами) = Луки и Арбалеты.

Scepters (Скипетры) = Scepter, Grand Scepter, War Scepter и их исключительные/элитные версии.

Farcast D2 Mod 1.14d 1.7.10

Формулы рунных слов

Ниже приведен список всех рунных слов для Diablo II: LoD v1.10

Рунное словоДопустимые предметыПорядок рунХарактеристики
Bramble 4 Socket Body Armor Ral + Ohm + Sur + EthLevel 15-21 Thorns Aura When Equipped (различается)
+50% Faster Hit Recovery
+100% To Poison Skill Damage
+300 Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Regenerate Mana 15%
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
Fire Resist +30%
Poison Resist +100%
+13 Life After Each Kill
Level 13 Spirit of Barbs (33 Charges)
Chains of Honor 4 Socket Body Armor Dol + Um + Ber + Ist+2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Enigma 3 Socket Body Armor Jah + Ith + Ber+2 To All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+757 Defense
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +1-74.25 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)
Gloom 3 Socket Body Armor Fal + Um + Pul15% Chance To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+170-230% Enhanced Defense (различается)
+10 To Strength
All Resistances +45
Half Freeze Duration
5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
-3 To Light Radius
Lionheart 3 Socket Body Armor Hel + Lum + Fal+20% Enhanced Damage
Requirements -15%
+25 To Strength
+10 To Energy
+20 To Vitality
+15 To Dexterity
+50 To Life
All Resistances +30%
Smoke 2 Socket Body Armor Nef + Lum+75% Enhanced Defense
+280 Defense Vs. Missile
All Resistances +50%
20% Faster Hit Recovery
Level 6 Weaken (18 Charges)
+10 To Energy
-1 To Light Radius
Stealth 2 Socket Body Armor Tal + EthMagic Damage Reduced By 3
+6 To Dexterity
+15 To Maximum Stamina
Poison Resist +30%
Regenerate Mana 15%
25% Faster Run/Walk
25% Faster Cast Rate
25% Faster Hit Recovery
Stone 4 Socketed Body Armor Shael + Um + Pul + Lum+60% Faster Hit Recovery
+250-290% Enhanced Defense (различается)
+300 Defense Vs. Missile
+16 To Strength
+16 To Vitality
+10 To Energy
All Resistances +15
Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges)
Level 16 Clay Golem (16 Charges)
Wealth 3 Socket Body Armor Lem + Ko + Tir300% Extra Gold From Monsters
100% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+10 To Dexterity
Рунное словоДопустимые предметыПорядок рунХарактеристики
Delirium 3 Socket Helms Lem + Ist + Io1% Chance To Cast Level 50 Delirium* (morph) When Struck
6% Chance To Cast Level 14 Mind Blast When Struck
14% Chance To Cast Level 13 Terror When Struck
11% Chance To Cast Level 18 Confuse On Striking
+2 To All Skills
+261 Defense
+10 To Vitality
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 17 Attract (60 Charges)
Lore 2 Socket Helms Ort + Sol+1 To All Skill Levels
+10 To Energy
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Lightning Resist +30%
Damage Reduced By 7
+2 To Light Radius
Nadir 2 Socket Helms Nef + Tir+50% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+30 Defense vs. Missile
Level 13 Cloak of Shadows (9 Charges)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+5 To Strength
-33% Extra Gold From Monsters
-3 To Light Radius
Radiance 3 Socket Helms Nef + Sol + Ith+75% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense Vs. Missile
+10 To Energy
+10 To Vitality
15% Damage Goes To Mana
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
+33 To Mana
Damage Reduced By 7
+5 To Light Radius
Рунное словоДопустимые предметыПорядок рунХарактеристики
Ancient's Pledge 3 Socket Shields Ral + Ort + Tal+50% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +43%
Fire Resist +48%
Lightning Resist +48%
Poison Resist +48%
10% Damage Goes To Mana
Exile 4 Socket Paladin Shields (only) Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking
Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (различается)
+2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+30% Faster Block Rate
Freezes Target
+220-260% Enhanced Defense (различается)
Replenish Life +7
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Repairs 1 Durability in 4 Seconds
Rhyme 2 Socket Shields Shael + Eth20% Increased Chance of Blocking
40% Faster Block Rate
All Resistances +25%
Regenerate Mana 15%
Cannot Be Frozen
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Sanctuary 3 Socketed Shields Ko + Ko + Mal+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+20% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+130-160% Enhanced Defense (различается)
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+20 To Dexterity
All Resistances +50-70 (различается)
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
Level 12 Slow Missiles (60 Charges)
Рунное словоДопустимые предметыПорядок рунХарактеристики
Beast 5 Socket Axes/Scepters/Hammers Ber + Tir + Um + Mal + LumLevel 9 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+240-270% Enhanced Damage (различается)
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+3 To Werebear
+3 To Lycanthropy
Prevent Monster Heal
+25-40 To Strength (различается)
+10 To Energy
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Level 13 Summon Grizzly (5 Charges)
Black 3 Socket Clubs/Hammers/Maces Thul + Io + Nef+120% Enhanced Damage
40% Chance Of Crushing Blow
+200 To Attack Rating
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - Cold Duration 3 Seconds
+10 To Vitality
+19 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds
15% Increased Attack Speed
Magic Damage Reduced By 2
Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 Charges)
Breath of the Dying 6 Socket Weapons Vex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Poison Nova When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+350-400% Enhanced Damage (различается)
+200% Damage To Undead
-25% Target Defense
+50 To Attack Rating
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
12-15% Life Stolen Per Hit (различается)
Prevent Monster Heal
+30 To All Attributes
+1 To Light Radius
Requirements -20%
Call To Arms 5 Socket Weapons Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm+1 To All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+250-290+% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2-6 To Battle Command (varies)
+1-6 To Battle Orders (varies)
+1-4 To Battle Cry (varies)
Prevent Monster Heal
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Chaos 3 Socket Claws Fal + Ohm + Um9% Chance To Cast Level 11 Frozen Orb On Striking
11% Chance To Cast Level 9 Charged Bolt On Striking
+35% Increased Attacked Speed
+290-340+% Enhanced Damage (различается)
Adds 216-471 Magic Damage
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Whirlwind
+10 To Strength
+15 Life After Each Demon Kill
Crescent Moon 3 Socket Axes/Swords/Polearms Shael + Um + Tir10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking
7% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+180-220% Enhanced Damage (различается)
Ignore Target's Defense
-35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+9-11 Magic Absorb (различается)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 Charges)
Doom 5 Socket Axes/Polearms/Hammers Hel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Cham5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking
Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
+2 To All Skills
+45 Increased Attack Speed
+330-370% Enhanced Damage (различается)
-57% To Enemy Cold Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
25% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
Freezes Target
Requirements -20%
Eternity 5 Socket Melee Weapons Amn + Ber + Ist + Sol + SurIndestructible
+276% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Minimum Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Hit Blinds Target
Slows Target By 33%
Replenish Mana 16%
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Level 8 Revive (88 Charges)
Famine 4 Socketed Axes/Hammers Fal + Ohm + Ort + Jah+30% Increased Attack Speed
+270-320% Enhanced Damage (различается)
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 180-200 Magic Damage
Adds 50-200 Fire Damage
Adds 51-250 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-200 Cold Damage
12% Life Stolen Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
Fury 3 Socket Melee Weapons Jah + Gul + Eth+209% Enhanced Damage
40% Increased Attack Speed
Prevent Monster Heal
66% Chance Of Open Wounds
33% Chance Of Deadly Strike
Ignore Target's Defense
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
6% Life Stolen Per Hit
+5 To Frenzy (Barbarian Only)
Hand of Justice 4 Socketed Weapons Sur + Cham + Amn + Lo100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level-Up
100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die
Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+33% Increased Attack Speed
+280-330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target
Heart of the Oak 4 Socketed Staves/Maces Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul+3 To All Skills
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+75% Damage To Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+1 To Blizzard (Sorceress Only)
+10 To Dexterity
Replenish Life +20
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +30-40 (различается)
Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges)
Level 14 Raven (60 Charges)
+50% Damage To Undead
Holy Thunder 4 Socket Scepters Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal+60% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
Adds 21-110 Lightning Damage
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
+10 To Maximum Damage
Lightning Resistance +60%
+5 To Maximum Lightning Resistance
+3 To Holy Shock (Paladin Only)
Level 7 Chain Lightning (60 Charges)
Honor 5 Socket Melee Weapons Amn + El + Ith + Tir + Sol+160% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Minimum Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
25% Deadly Strike
+250 To Attack Rating
+1 to All Skills
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +10
+10 To Strength
+1 To Light Radius
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
King's Grace 3 Socket Swords/Scepters Amn + Ral + Thul+100% Enhanced Damage
+100% Damage vs. Demons
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - 3 Second Duration
+150 To Attack Rating
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Undead
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Kingslayer 4 Socket Swords/Axes Mal + Um + Gul + Fal+30% Increased Attack Speed
+230-270% Enhanced Damage (различается)
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Vengeance
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
40% Extra Gold From Monsters
Leaf 2 Socket Staves (Not Orbs) Tir + RalAdds 5-30 Fire Damage
+3 To Fire Skills
+3 To Fire Bolt (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Inferno (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Warmth (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Cold Resist +33%
Malice 3 Socket Melee Weapons Ith + El + Eth+33% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
100% Chance Of Open Wounds
-25% Target Defense
-100 To Monster Defense Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+50 To Attack Rating
Drain Life -5
Melody 3 Socket Missile Weapons Shael + Ko + Nef+50% Enhanced Damage
300% Damage vs Undead
+3 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
+3 To Critical Strike (Amazon Only)
+3 To Dodge (Amazon Only)
+3 To Slow Missiles (Amazon Only)
20% Increased Attack Speed
+10 To Dexterity
Memory 4 Socket Staves (Not Orbs) Lum + Io + Sol + Eth+3 to Sorceress Skills
33% Faster Cast Rate
Increase Maximum Mana 20%
+3 Energy Shield (Sorceress Only)
+2 Static Field (Sorceress Only)
+10 To Energy
+10 To Vitality
+9 To Minimum Damage
-25% Target Defense
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
+50% Enhanced Defense
Passion 4 Socket Weapons Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem+25% Increased Attack Speed
+160-210% Enhanced Damage
50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
+1 To Berserk
+1 To Zeal
Hit Blinds Target +10
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level 3 Heart of Wolverine (12 Charges)
Silence 6 Socket Weapons Dol + Eld + Hel + Ist + Tir + Vex200% Enhanced Damage
175% Damage vs. Undead
Requirements -20%
20% Increased Attack Speed
+50 Attack Rating vs. Undead
+2 To All Skill Levels
All Resistances +75%
20% Faster Hit Recovery
11% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
Hit Blinds Target [33]
+2 To Mana Per Kill
30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Steel 2 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces Tir + El20% Enhanced Damage
+3 To Minimum Damage
+3 To Maximum Damage
+50 To Attack Rating
50% Chance Of Open Wounds
25% Increased Attack Speed
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+1 To Light Radius
Strength 2 Socket Melee Weapons Amn + Tir35% Enhanced Damage
25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2 To Mana Per Kill
+20 To Strength
+10 To Vitality
Venom 3 Socket Weapons Tal + Dol + MalHit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
Prevent Monster Heal
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Level 15 Poison Explosion (27 Charges)
Level 13 Poison Nova (11 Charges)
+273 Poison Damage Over 6 seconds
White 2 Socket Wand Dol + IoHit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
+10 To Vitality
+3 To Poison And Bone Spells (Necromancer Only)
+3 To Bone Armor (Necromancer Only)
+2 To Bone Spear (Necromancer Only)
+4 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
Magic Damage Reduced By 4
20% Faster Cast Rate
+13 To Mana
Zephyr 2 Socket Missile Weapons Ort + Eth+33% Enhanced Damage
+66 To Attack Rating
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
-25% Target Defense
+25 Defense
25% Faster Run/Walk
25% Increased Attack Speed
7% Chance To Cast Level 1 Twister When Hit
Рунные слова, добавленные 19.05.04 (только Battle.Net)
Рунное словоДопустимые предметыПорядок рунХарактеристики
Duress 3 Socket Body Armor Shael + Um + Thul+40% Faster Hit Recovery
+10-20% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 37-133 Cold Damage
15% Chance of Crushing Blow
33% Chance of Open Wounds
+150-200% Enchanced Defense (varies)
-20% Slower Stamina Drain
Cold Resist +45%
Lightning Resist +15%
Fire Resist +15%
Poison Resist +15%
Prudence 2 Socket Body Armor Mal + Tir+25% Faster Hit Recovery
+140-170% Enhanced Defense (varies)
All Resistances +25-35 (varies)
Damage Reduced by 3
Magic Damage Reduced by 17
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+1 To Light Radius
Repairs Durability In 4 Seconds
Splendor 2 Socket Shields Eth + Lum+1 To All Skills
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+20% Faster Block Rate
+60-100% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+10 To Energy
Regenerate Mana 15%
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+3 To Light Radius
Increase Maximum Durability 12%
Wind 2 Socket Melee Weapons Sur + El10% Chance To Cast Level 9 Tornado On Striking
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+15% Faster Hit Recovery
+120-160% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-50% Target Defense
+53 To Attack Rating
Hit Blinds Target
+1 To Light Radius
Level 13 Twister (127 Charges)
Рунные слова, добавленные 10.12.04 (только Battle.Net)
Рунное словоДопустимые предметыПорядок рунХарактеристики
Brand 4 Socket Missile Weapons Jah + Lo + Mal + Gul35% Chance To Cast Level 14 Amplify Damage When Struck
100% Chance To Cast Level 18 Bone Spear On Striking
Fires Explosive Arrows or Bolts
+260-340% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+280-330% Damage To Demons (varies)
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
Death 5 Socket Swords/Axes Hel + El + Vex + Ort + Gul100% Chance To Cast Level 44 Chain Lightning When You Die
25% Chance To Cast Level 18 Glacial Spike On Attack
+300-385% Enhanced Damage (varies)
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+50 To Attack Rating
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+0.5%-49.5% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
+1 To Light Radius
Level 22 Blood Golem (15 Charges)
Requirements -20%
Destruction 5 Socket Polearms/Swords Vex + Lo + Ber + Jah + Ko23% Chance to Cast Level 12 Volcano on Striking
5% Chance to Cast Level 23 Molten Boulder on Striking
100% Chance to Cast Level 45 Meteor when You Die
15% Chance to Cast Level 22 Nova on Attack
+350% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 100-180 Magic Damage
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 to Dexterity
Dragon 3 Socket Body Armor/Shields Sur + Lo + Sol20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck
12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On Striking
Level 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+360 Defense
+230 Defense Vs. Missile
+3-5 To All Attributes (varies)
+0.375-37.125 To Strength (Based on Character Level)
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
Damage Reduced by 7%
3 Socket Body Armor
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
3 Socket Shields
+50 Mana
Dream 3 Socket Helms/Shields Io + Jah + Pul10% Chance to Cast Level 15 Confuse when Struck
Level 15 Holy Shock Aura When Equipped
+20-30% Faster Hit Recovery (varies)
+30% Enhanced Defense
+150-220 Defense(varies)
+10 to Vitality
+0.625-61.875 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
All Resistances +5-20 (varies)
15-25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items(varies)
3 Socket Shields
+50 To Life
3 Socket Helms
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Edge 3 Socket Missile Weapons Tir + Tal + AmnLevel 15 Thorns Aura When Equipped
+35% Increased Attack Speed
+320-380% Damage To Demons (varies)
+280% Damage To Undead
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+5-10 to All Attributes(varies)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Reduces All Vendor Prices 15%
Faith 4 Socket Missile Weapons Ohm + Jah + Lem + EldLevel 12-15 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped (varies)
+1-2 To All Skills (varies)
+330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
300% Bonus To Attack Rating
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
All Resistances +15
10% Reanimate As: Returned
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Fortitude 4 Socket Weapons/Body Armor El + Sol + Dol + Lo20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when Struck
+25% Faster Cast Rate
+300% Enhanced Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+1-99 To Life (Based on Character Level)
All Resistances +25-30 (varies)
12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+1 To Light Radius
4 Socket Weapons
+50 To Attack Rating
+9 To Minimum Damage
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
20% Deadly Strike
4 Socket Body Armor
+15 Defense
Damage Reduced By 7
Replenish Life +7
5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
Grief 5 Socket Swords/Axes Eth + Tir + Lo + Mal + Ral35% Chance To Cast Level 15 Venom On Striking
+30-40% Increased Attack Speed (varies)
Damage +340-400 (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
-25% Target Defense
+1.875%-185.625 Damage To Demons (Based on Character Level)
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
-20-25% To Enemy Poison Resistance (varies)
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+11 Life After Each Kill
Harmony 4 Socket Missile Weapons Tir + Ith + Sol + KoLevel 10 Vigor Aura When Equipped
+200-275% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+9 To Minimum Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
Adds 55-160 Fire Damage
Adds 55-160 Cold Damage
Adds 55-160 Lightning Damage
+2-6 To Valkyrie (varies)
+10 To Dexterity
Regenerate Mana 20%
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+2 To Light Radius
Level 20 Revive (25 Charges)
Ice 4 Socket Missile Weapons Amn + Shael + Jah + Lo100% Chance to Cast Level 40 Blizzard When You Level-Up
25% Chance to Cast Level 22 Frost Nova on Striking
Level 18 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
+20% Increased Atack Speed
+140-210% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
+25-30% to Cold Skill Damage(varies)
-20% To Enemy Cold Resistance
7% Life Stolen per Hit
20% Deadly Strike
3.125%-309.375% Extra Gold from Monsters (Based on Character Level)
Infinity 4 Socket Polearms Ber + Mal + Ber + Ist50% Chance to Cast Level 20 Chain Lightning When You Kill an Enemy
Level 12 Conviction Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Run/Walk
+255-325% Enhanced Damage(varies)
-55% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+40% Chance of Crushing Blow
Prevent Monster Heal
0.5-49.5 to Vitality (Based on Character Level)
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 21 Cyclone Armor (30 Charges)
Insight 4 Socket Polearms/Staves Ral + Tir + Tal + SolLevel 12-17 Meditation Aura When Equipped (varies)
+35% Faster Cast Rate
+200-260% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+9 To Minimum Damage
180-250% Bonus to Attack Rating (varies)
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
+1-6 To Critical Strike (varies)
+5 To All Attributes
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Last Wish 6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes Jah + Mal + Jah + Sur + Jah + Ber6% Chance To Cast Level 11 Fade When Struck
10% Chance To Cast Level 18 Life Tap On Striking
20% Chance To Cast Level 20 Charged Bolt On Attack
Level 17 Might Aura When Equipped
+330-375% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
60-70% Chance of Crushing Blow (varies)
Prevent Monster Heal
Hit Blinds Target
0.5 (per level)% Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
Lawbringer 3 Socket Swords/Hammers/Scepters Amn + Lem + Ko20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Decripify On Striking
Level 18 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
-50% Target Defense
Adds 150-210 Fire Damage
Adds 130-180 Cold Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slain Monsters Rest In Peace
+200-250 Defense Vs. Missile (varies)
+10 To Dexterity
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Oath 4 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces Shael + Pul + Mal + Lum30% Chance To Cast Level 20 Bone Spirit On Striking
+50% Increased Attack Speed
+210-340% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+75% Damage To Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Energy
+10-15 Magic Absorb (varies)
Level 16 Heart Of Wolverine (20 Charges)
Level 17 Iron Golem (14 Charges)
Obedience 5 Socket Polearms Hel + Ko + Thul + Eth + Fal30% Chance To Cast Level 21 Enchant When You Kill An Enemy
40% Faster Hit Recovery
+370% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage
-25% To Enemy Fire Resistance
40% Chance of Crushing Blow
+200-300 Defense (varies)
+10 To Strength
+10 To Dexterity
All Resistances +20-30 (varies)
Requirements -20%
Phoenix 4 Socket Weapons/Shields Vex + Vex + Lo + Jah100% Chance to Cast Level 40 Blaze When You Level-Up
40% Chance to Cast Level 22 Firestorm on Striking
Level 10-15 Redemption Aura When Equipped (varies)
+350-400% Enhanced Damage(varies)
-28% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+350-400 Defense vs. Missile(varies)
+15-21 Fire Absorb(varies)
4 Socket Weapons
14% Mana Stolen Per Hit
20% Deadly Strike
Ignore Target's Defense
4 Socket Shields
+10% to Maximum Fire Resist
+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
+50 to Life
Pride 4 Socket Polearms Cham + Sur + Io + Lo25% Chance to Cast Level 18 Fire wall When Struck
Level 16 Concentration Aura When Equipped
260-300% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
+1%-99% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
Adds 50-280 Lightning Damage
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3
+10 vitality
Replenish Life +8
1.875-185.625% Extra Gold From Monsters (Based on Character Level)
Rift 4 Socket Polearms/Scepters Hel + Ko + Lem + Gul20% Chance to Cast Level 16 Tornado on Striking
16% Chance to Cast Level 21 Frozen Orb on Attack
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 160-250 Magic Damage
Adds 60-180 Fire Damage
+10 to Dexterity
+5-10 to All Attributes(varies)
38% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
75% Extra Gold from Monsters
Level 15 Iron Maiden [40 Charges]
Requirements -20%
Spirit 4 Socket Swords/Shields Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn+2 To All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense Vs. Missile
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana (varies)
+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)
4 Socket Swords
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
4 Socket Shields
Poison Resist +35%
Cold Resist 35%
Lightning Resist 35%
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
Voice of Reason 4 Socket Swords/Maces Lem + Ko + El + Eld15% Chance To Cast Level 13 Frozen Orb On Striking
18% Chance To Cast Level 20 Ice Blast On Striking
+50 To Attack Rating
+220-350% Damage To Demons
+280-300% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 100-220 Cold Damage
-24% To Enemy Cold Resistance
+10 To Dexterity
Cannot Be Frozen
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
+1 To Light Radius
Wrath 4 Socket Missile Weapons Pul + Lum + Ber + Mal30% Chance to Cast Level 1 Decrepify on Striking
5% chance to Cast level 10 Life Tap on Striking
+375% Damage to Demons (varies)
+100 to attack Rating Against Demons
+250-300% Damage to Undead (varies)
Adds 85-120 Magic Damage
Adds 41-240 Lightning Damage
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 to Energy
Cannot Be Frozen
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Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:02 pm

Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:21 pm
Posts: 17
So, I'm using D2SE to play HU, and I tried editing the .ini file to make it work with PlugY, but it's having none of it. Is HU 1.14d incompatible with D2SE's PlugY plugin?
Edit: Nevermind. Got it working. :) I was following a guide I saw, and those steps weren't appropriate. Personal stash and shared stash are working. Yay for no more mule characters! Running multiple instances just to transfer files on Single Player was bothersome.

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:01 pm
Posts: 1404
several have tried in the past (most failed).
you should post a writeup for posterity's sake.

The reader should not be discouraged if...he does not have the prerequisites to read the prerequisites. P. Halmos

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:21 pm
Posts: 17
several have tried in the past (most failed).
you should post a writeup for posterity's sake.

My setup is probably overkill, but what I did was download PlugY 10 (the latest version), copy the PlugY and Mod PlugY folders into the D2 directory, the D2 MODS directory, and the HU directory (just in case it referenced a specific area or multiple areas), adjusted the .ini settings of HU and PlugY, and copied my PlugY .ini (HU folder) settings to the PlugY .ini and PlugYDefault .ini inside of the Mod PlugY and PlugY folders. You probably only need the folders and files inside of the HU directory.
The crashing issue occurs when PlugY .dll file is corrupted. I don't know when/why that happened/happens, but if you copy the PlugY .dll file that's in the 1.09d folder of D2SE into your HU Mod folder (the same place as Patch_D2) and use these settings for PlugY.ini, it should work:
Param= -direct -txt
ItemsToSell=The Stone of Jordan
; More features later... :)

Then change your D2SE_SETUP .ini to this
#This is for Modsystem compatibility only dont touch this!
#The User Checkboxes will be remembered here. All options can be altered inside GUI
#Renderer 0=DDraw 1=D3D 2=not functional(openGL) 3=glide/3dfx default=3
#WindowMode 0=Fullscreen 1=D2 inside Window (-w commandline) works only with glide+DDraw default=0
#NoSound 1=switch off sound (-ns commandline)
#Skips Menu and goes straight to Realmlogin
#Enables Creation of HC Chars when ModAllowHC=1 default=1
#Enable PlugY when ModAllowPlugY=1
#Parameter for modding, only active when Modable=1
#Direct 1=use -direct commandline default=0
#Txt 1=use -txt commandline default=0
#Selected Language
#Settings the Modder has to Set when using D2SE Modsystem it can be protected! Dont change anything here when its not your Mod and you want to play on Realm
#CoreEngine needed or included in this Mod all not included files will be taken from the Vanilla Folder of the Version!
#Supportet Cores are 1.07 1.08 1.09b 1.09d 1.10f 1.11b 1.12a 1.13PTR2 THIS MUST BE SET
#Modnames & Title 32 Chars each maximum
ModName=Hell Unleashed Multiplayer
ModTitle=Gates of Arimyth
#Mod Versions 10 Chars each maximum
#Filename of a 250*60 Buttonimage in BMP format! keep the outer 1 pixel border black! used for Modselection
#Button to launch readme can be file or Webpage
#Button to launch Descriptionfile can be file or Webpage
ModDescription=Hell Unleashed.doc
#Button to reach Homepage can be file or Webpage
#Button to reach Forum/Board can be file or Webpage
#Button to a Mod Configurator Executable
#Allow the activation of -direct and -txt Checkboxes inside GUI default=0
#When Modable=0 it forces -Direct -Txt without showing the Checkboxes.
#Allows the Creation of HC Characters default=1
#1=Allow Singleplayer Multistart!
#ModSystems used
#Allowed with Core 1.11b: NEFEX
#Allowed with Core 1.10f: D2MOD
#Allowed with the Cores it was compiled for: D2Extra
#Allowed with all supportet Cores: D2SE
#for correct configuration and handling of nefex, d2mod and D2Extra refere to their readmes, ini files and documentation!
#for correct configuration and handling of D2SE refere to the documentation as soon as its available.
#not all features of each System can work together watch out for Collisions be warned!
#dont use any of their loadsystems D2SE will load the modsystems in a clean way for you!!!
#D2SE 1=load and init D2SE on startup
#Name of the D2SE Mod dll 32 Chars maximum
#D2SEUtility 1=use utility functions inside D2SEUtility.dll
#Nefex 1=load nefex at startup it does selfinitialization
#D2Mod 1=load and init D2Mod.dll at startup
#D2Extra 1=Use D2Extra on startup make sure you have the correct version for your D2 Core!
#PlugY 1=Allow PlugY make sure the installed Version supports the D2 Core! (1.09b 1.09d 1.10f 1.11b 1.12a)
#MPQ Setup
#1=Patch_D2.mpq gets loaded 0=gets unloaded. Use 0 only when your own .mpq holds all content of patch_d2.mpq
#Names of up to 3 own MPQ Files in increasing priority. All of them are higher than patch_d2 32 Chars each maximum
#Realm setup DONT EVER USE D2SE to connect to official BNet. Checksum will fail for sure!
#Only use the baseinstallation of D2 patched to newest Patch to play on BNet with starting game.exe !!!
#Im not responsible if you are stupid! make sure you have no type errors this cannot get verified automatic!
RealmGatewayName=Arimyth Network
#Here you can enable/disable and configure Features of the D2SEUtility.dll comming soon
#Read this from your own code for your own features!
#dont touch this it must be at the end of file to check for corruptions

When you're in-game, it'll let you switch pages in your personal stash - DON'T PUT ITEMS ON ANY PAGE BUT THE FIRST PAGE. Only use Page1 and/or only use the Shared Stash.
The shared stash button is almost hidden entirely by the health globe. You can click the top part of it to switch, though.
Just because I'm cautious, I haven't saved any items on a page higher than 100, even though I have 1000 enabled. Who really uses that many pages, anyway? Are you saving a copy of every item in the game? Lol.


Farcast D2 Mod 1.14d Mod

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:24 pm
Posts: 1031
Has anyone ever got this to work? It just does nothing for me and if I keep messing with it, I just eventually get an error. Are you supposed to be able to install it? Because the install file says I have a bad d2common and d2gfx file or something.
I have plugy checked on d2se to run and copy pasted all those file edits over correctly to plugy ini and plugydefault ini and d2se setup ini.
I also have had it installed perfectly and the game runs fine, but the stash is still the same as default hu.
If someone could just upload a working HU with working plugy for SP, you would be a literal God.

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Sat May 04, 2013 7:53 pm
Posts: 33
I have it working with D2SE, post here again if you're still around and i'll see if I can help you get it working.

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:24 pm
Posts: 1031
I am always around


Farecast D2 Mod 1 14d

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Sat May 04, 2013 7:53 pm
Posts: 33
Alright, so from what I've observed the main blocker with the default PlugY settings (assuming you've first configured D2SE_Setup.ini) is that you must disable BigStash in PlugY.ini, and disable ActiveCheckMemory.
What I'll do, is upload the two working files and have you try these.
Assuming your install wasn't corrupted from messing around earlier, putting these into the proper directory should do the job.
For me, using 1.15a on D2SE, the working directory would be:
Diablo IIMODSHU_D2SE_Core_1.5
Inside that folder should be the location of where you need to place the files I include.
Once you have those two .ini files in the correct directory, launch HU from D2SE with PlugY checkbox enabled.
On the main splash screen, you should notice the branding for PlugY 10.00, and D2Mod System 1.03.
While in-game, set resolution to 1024x768, I believe that's max supported resolution unless you go with the HD resolution hack.
While in the stash, it's hard to see it, but you should see a Shard Stash button.
If you can switch to that, you're golden. I tend to use shared stash only, and don't use normal stash at all. Whether or not this affects the game's stability, I cannot say for sure, but I recommend you follow the trend.
Here are some pictures as well as the files to guide you along.

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:24 pm
Posts: 1031
You, sir, are a literal god. All I had to do was change it so modable=1 since I use custom stuff with a friend over tcp/ip and it still worked fine. We are also using 1.5b so apparently the version doesn't matter much.
How many shared pages does it allow? I see in plugy it says 10, 100, and 0 in different places.


Farcast D2 Mod 1.14d 1.12.2

Post subject: Re: PlugY for 1.14d SP D2SE? [Solved]

Joined: Sat May 04, 2013 7:53 pm
Posts: 33
I think by default it's 100 shared pages, not entirely sure what the limit would be.
Glad things worked for you.


Farcast D2 Mod 1.14d Texture Pack

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