Com Port Emulator

i recorded some data to the serial port
now i would like to run it in a loop (without recapturing, without using arduino), feeding it to processing.
i used realterm for the capture (very nice replacement for hypreterminal).
there is an option to send a file, line by line, setting the delay for next line.
but i still need a com port emulator.

ok… i think i answered myself,nothing like new topic therapy.
i need a com port emulator, like this com-port-emulator freeware from eggsoft
(couldnt get it going using win7/64bit)

i am testing working with com0com (with special instructions for 64bit unsigned driver hack) and see where it goes. port emulator

here they are, on the top is com0com, on the right is realterm reading what the comport emulator (on the left) is sending.

To emulate a COM port over a USB connection, please follow these steps 1. Download ONE of the following files based on the architecture of your Windows computer from USB CDC Driver for Windows page: - 64 Bit COM Emulation Drivers. I know this is an old post, but in case someone else happens upon this question, one good option is Virtual Serial Port Emulator (VSPE) from Eterlogic It provides an API for creating kernel mode virtual comport devices, i.e. Connectors, mappers, splitters etc. However, some of the advertised capabilities were really not capabilities at all. COM Port Data Emulator generates traffic for a COM, RS232, TCP/IP device. It emulates a device connected through a COM or an Ethernet port.


Com Port Emulator Windows 7


or… i could skip all this and just use createReader in processing to piperead straight from the text file, line by line. it does call for a code change but that’s a small price to pay. IF i could force it to loop on null… Port Emulator

here is simple dummy serial sender with a per line delay

Com Port Emulator Free

Com Port Emulator

Com Port Data Emulator

thread with interesting ideas - gobetwino looks very intresting

Powershell Com Port Emulator

also nice (slightly OT) PLX-DAQ, pipe to excel in realtime