Metal Gear Solid 2 Pc Download Full Version

Metal Gear Solid Pc Download Preview. Metal Gear Solid Pc Download: is a secrecy game created by Konami and delivered for the PlayStation in 1998. It was coordinated, created, and composed by Hideo Kojima, and follows the MSX2 computer games Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, which Kojima additionally dealt with. This PC version is still much better than most action games of its time, but playing the MSX version is necessary to understand why this series is still going strong. If you like the game, check out the superior sequel Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake on this site. Download full game now: Source 1 - Download (234kB) Source 1 - Manual (10kB).

You know you're dealing with an epic game when you park your arse down to write the review and discover you're still shaking with excitement. With Metal Gear Solid this is exactly the scenario.

Despite its belated PC appearance and only slight graphical improvements over the PlayStation version, this combination of gameplay styles is one of the finest examples of action and storytelling the PC has ever witnessed. It's easily on a par with Half-Life when it comes to creating tension and emotion and there's even that unique Final Fantasy ingredient whereby you develop a real affection for the main characters involved. Your actions even determine the outcome of the story, so theoretically you can play through again and again and experience a new set of emotions each time.

So, what about the actual plot? Well, without giving away any story-spoiling intricacies, let's just say that terrorists, nuclear missiles, double agents and enormous, walking, nuclear missile-launching robots are just some of the trials and tribulations our anguished hero, Solid Snake has to endure.

At the start of the game he has very little to aid him in his mission. As he progresses onwards through third-person perspective tank hangars, armouries, laboratories and other James Bond-type locations,Snake slowly acquires machine guns, remote controlled missiles, grenades, sniper rifles, stinger missiles and numerous other gadgets on his quest to spray as much brain tissue and guts through the air as possible.

But it's not all mindless maiming. One of the traits of the Metal Gear series of games over the last 14 years (the first one appeared on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1986) has been to base the gameplay on basic puzzle-solving, as well as apocalyptic shoot-outs. There's no denying that it's a style of play that takes some getting used to; your first foray through the snow-covered opening stage usually ends with a guard following your footprints and pumping your face full of lead, as you peer around a comer to see if the coast is clear.A separate CD of optional VR training levels helps when it comes to understanding the espionage tactics needed to survive (even if there are 300 to wade through). But, on a more cynical note, you wonder whether the excessive amount of stages is an attempt to make up for the fact that there is no multiplayer game.

Snake Eyes


Essentially, MGS is played from an overhead perspective that's very similar in look and feel to The Phantom Menace, although other views do come into play. If you back into a wall, the camera automatically swings down to point directly at you and is a view that's useful when it comes to checking down hallways or around corners to see if enemy henchmen are laying in wait.

Metal Gear Solid 2 Pc Download Full Version

And then we come to the much-hyped first person mode; an added extra we were told would bring a whole new dimension to the game. Unfortunately, this simply hasn't happened. Why? Because it simply isn't there. OK, so you can look around in that mode - but can you walk, run, jump or even shoot? Not on your nelly. The only real first-person action you get is when you find a sniper rifle and some Stinger missiles. Admittedly shooting down a Hind helicopter with said missiles is a serious rush, but couldn't Konami have made a little more effort to produce a first-person view that could be enjoyed throughout the whole of the game?

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While we're on the subject of movement, you may be interested to know Snake can be tricky to control if using the keyboard. Pointing a weapon at somebody is usually a fraught procedure involving dozens of miniscule taps on the cursor keys to get it right. The auto aiming helps alleviate this to an extent, but there are plenty of locations where perspective and panic combine to make the whole procedure irritating. If you've got a gamepad handy, use it.

And, while we're having a bit of a moan, it's only fair to mention that, although generally superb when it comes to keeping the story ticking over and charged with excitement, the frequent cut-scenes do go on a bit. Sometimes conversations between Snake and his supporting cast go round in circles, with the main points being repeated over and over. Thankfully, a quick tap of the Escape key gets rid of that particular nuance.

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MGS does have its little foibles -that much is obvious. Yet when it comes down to it, one major point prevails: MGS is immense fun to play. You feel compelled to reach the next stage because you want to see what further twists the plot can take, and equally because some of the end-of-level bosses such as the Cyborg Ninja are so utterly enjoyable to do battle against. The fact that loading times are ridiculously short is another major reason why you simply cannot leave your PC.

Ultimately, this version is barely any different from the PlayStation game of two years ago. But it doesn't matter - because if a game is truly good, it can stand up and be counted on any format it's released on. MGS is recommended for exactly that reason. If you need a light mix of stealth and action, Metal Gear Solid is the only choice.

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