Spiritual Vampires Elisha Goodman Pdf

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Thou powers at the gate of my breakthroughs, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus. You powers of my fathers’ house, release me now and die in the name of Jesus (pray this one 3 aggressive times). Any satanic entity divining against my life, O LORD, baptize them with madness in the name of Jesus. CONFIDENTIAL BONUS #1 Exclusive Bonus #1 The Confidential Prayer Manuscript to Release your Finances from the Grip of Spiritual Vampires Prepared Exclusively for Active Users of Prayer Cookbook for Busy People: 222 Golden Key Prayers to Open Heaven’s Back Door and Bring Answers in 10 Days or Less by Elisha Goodman, Author/Spiritual Coach.

Source URL for “Spiritual Environmental Sanitation” by Elisha Goodman->

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If you notice these things happening repeatedly, you need to carry out what is referred to as, “Spiritual Environmental Sanitation.”

Here’s how to do it:

Pick a date when you could have a very light dinner (or none at all).

Just before going to bed, do these 7 things:

1. Start by singing praises to God.


2. Open your Bible to Psalm 91 and read the whole chapter out loud (this is one of the most powerful ‘covering’ Scriptures in the Bible).

3. Symbolically sprinkle the blood of Jesus upon your land (your land is the spiritual
space God has allocated to you).

4. Ask the blood of Jesus to begin to speak over your land (Heb. 12:24 says the blood
speaks, you know).

5. Address the gates and high places of your land using Ps 24:7. Note: This scripture is one of the keys in the Bible that you can use to open gates and doors in the spirit.

6. Ask the LORD to despatch His angels to bring you blessings without any hindrances. Please note that sometimes angels can be hindered and prevented from bringing your blessings in time.

This is what happened to Daniel in the Bible.

7. Give thanks to God and close with praises.

3-Day Emergency Prayer Manual
Against Dream Vampires

A QUICK update from the prayer trenches

Can Your Dreams Affect
What Happens In Real Life?

Dear Elisha,

I came across your website end of November 2012 through a friend who sent me the link. I had so many problems, one of them being disappointment in relationships. I even wrote to you explaining my situation. I will be 39 in 2 weeks, have never been married, no children …
In fact, NO MAN has ever asked me to marry him. It has just been a relationship after relationship and for no reason, after 4 or 5 years the man will leave me and marry someone else, even someone I know.

So I decided enough was enough, and participated in the 27 Minutes to Midnight at the Gates of 2013 … On the 3rd of January, I had a weird dream, where I was at my wedding and people were coming to congratulate me and my husband.
Suddenly there was noise and movement in the air above us, I looked up only to see bird like creatures hovering above me asking each other in panicking voices…”how did she escape us? Let’s go and get her back before it’s too late!!”

And I woke up. I became angry in the spirit and prayed the same prayer points together with the prayers for that day violently. 3 weeks ago, I met a wonderful man of God through a friend and the man proposed to me…he wants us to get married as soon as possible!! Indeed our God is a faithful God.

- Sister I.

From: Elisha Goodman Sunday 2:15 AM

Calvary greetings …

The Bible says:

'For God speaks once, yes twice, yet man perceives it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, in slumberings on the bed; Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, that he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.'
- Job 33: 14-16

We are now well into the Golden Decade of Dreams

… where the LORD has once again started to reveal deep and peculiar mysteries to His people in the dream.

The Hidden Secret of Success
No One Wants to Talk About

It is this: Dream victories usually translate into victory in everyday life.

The reverse is also true.

Now, someone has said that the world is dominated by dreamers.

In the days and years ahead, you will find this statement to be true in more ways than one.

3 Breakthrough Lesson on Dreams

Much of the advancement (and wealth creation) the world has ever known first came to someone as a picture, a thought or an idea in a dream.

Here’s a few notable cases:

#1: Are you an artistic kind of person? You might be interested to know that Mozart, one of the greatest composers who ever lived, received many of his most glorious compositions in the dream.

#2: Or perhaps you have an interest in the sciences? Not to worry. It should gladden your heart to know about one of the discoveries that was pivotal to the advancement of all of science. It is said that the structure for the periodic table first appeared to the Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev in a dream. He was the son of a priest.

#4: Even if you have zero interest in the sciences or the arts, there is no escaping the fact that all around us are exciting things invented by people who first saw their spiritual equivalent in the dream…

This one is recent and stunning…

Have You GOOGLEd For Anything Lately?

Then you can thank God that Larry Page, one of the two billionaire founders of Google, had a dream one night … and woke up to put together a secret mathematical algorithm that essentially powers the Internet’s #1 search engine (2012 revenues: $50 billion).

Describing how he suddenly had a vision for search, Larry said many years later:

“I bolted upright one night from a dream. I was thinking:
What if we could download the whole Web, and just keep the links…
I grabbed a pen and started writing!”

From Googled: The End of the World as We Know It, pg 35, by Ken Auletta

Just so you know…

To date, no one has been able to replicate, or even understand, how Google’s algorithm really works, in spite of armies of the best engineering and scientific minds in the world working day and night, trying to crack the code…

This Is What Sets Apart Knowledge
Revealed In The Dream!

It cannot be easily copied or duplicated.

At this point, some might begin to wonder: Is this biblical at all?

And that leads us directly to...

Breakthrough Lesson #1
(God still reveals unusual secrets in the dream)

Just turn with me to Genesis chapter 31 verse 10 and let’s see how the man Jacob received the blueprint for his great, inter-generational wealth:

“And it happened, at the time when the flocks conceived, that I lifted my eyes and saw in a dream, and behold, the rams which leaped upon the flocks were streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted. Then the Angel of God spoke to me in a dream, saying, ‘Jacob.’ And I said, ‘Here I am.’ And He said, ‘Lift your eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted; for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you.

– Gen 31:10-13

Did you see it?

The BIG IDEA that Jacob implemented to turn on the tap of never-ending generational wealth was delivered to him in the dream!

What has the LORD revealed to you in your dreams?

Most people do NOT even remember their dreams by the time they wake up!


You are a product of your dreams. And the LORD wants to visit you in your dreams all over again.

He wants to restore to you the keys to open locked doors that the enemy has (most likely) stolen from you already.

He wants to give you the secret to His treasures in your dreams… just as He did to the notable historical figures we’ve just seen here.

How will He do it?

“And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.'

– Joel 2:28-29

See the exact same scripture in the New Testament:

But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days…

– Acts 2:16-18

Spiritual vampires elisha goodman pdf book

You always want to pay attention to what the Bible says.

Then you want to pay even closer attention when you see something repeated like this in both Old and New Testaments. Here the phrase “old men” prophetically refers to people (male and female) who possess the kind of wisdom usually associated with gray-haired old men.

In the book of Isaiah 45 we read about something called the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places…

It always takes a powerful dream revelation to discover this kind of treasure.

Years ago, one of our subscribers from South Africa shared a dream with me. She told me that the LORD came to her in a dream and explained to her the plant tha could be used as a cure for the dreaded HIV virus.

Hear this: that plant was all over her backyard where she grew up as a child!

… treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places.

If you are reading this manuscript, please understand that it is not by accident.

The LORD is signalling to you that He is about to visit you powerfully in your dreams… if only you’ll be alert enough to recognize your time of divine visitation.

Please close your eyes and take this prayer with a holy shout:

“I will not miss my time of divine visitation in the mighty name of Jesus”

Onwards to ...

Breakthrough Lesson #2
(There are powers assigned to steal, kill and destroy in the dream)

Another parable set he before them, saying,
The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field:
but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares also among the wheat, and went away.
- Matt. 13:24-25

There is a not-so-good side to dreams as well.

That is because ...

... there are dream killers ... dream vampires ... all over the place!

These are powers that attack people while they are asleep. Their goal is to steal, to kill and to destroy.

The opening testimony gives us a graphic illustration of how aggressive and wicked they can be.

But something happens when you learn how to fight spiritual battles in the dream. This next one might sound like a Hollywood movie but it is real.

In the language of our prayer eagles, we call this a true spiritual drama.

How Dream Attackers Meet Their Waterloo

“I still felt the urging of the Holy Spirit to pray for protection so I got your prayer points … and began to pray the prayer arrows in tongues as well. At around 3:20 am, I woke up feeling icy cold.

(This is not the first time it has happened to me. When this happened last time I awoke and started praying like a wounded lion and the spiritual vampires left me and My soul felt at peace).

I awoke and began to pray and speak in tongues. I felt (guided by the Holy Spirit) that the devil was attacking me and stealing from me so I prayed these 2 prayer points and also in tongues…

I then fell asleep and in my dream i saw a black-hooded man riding on a black dragon and the Angels of the Lord pursuing him.In his hands he was holding a sack full of something.

The Holy Spirit was guiding me and telling me that he had stolen from me. so i prayed this NEXT prayer point…

Then suddenly the head of the dragon was cut off by a fierce looking Angel who appeared before the hooded man and a flame of fire from above so blinding was sent upon the hooded man and headless dragon.

I praise the Living God for His faithfulness and His mercy for a month ago I was not able to dream and now I can. He gave the opportunity of seeing His mighty Glory at work.

- Sister W

For many people today, satan and his agents have worked very hard to replace their divine dreams with evil dreams and nightmares featuring fearful attacks and endless harassments.

Given that situation it is no big surprise that most people have all but forgotten the wonderful dreams they used to have as kids, and sometimes, as adults.

No wonder they are not making much progress in life.

But the moment you learn how to deal with dream vampires, it will just seem like a tap has been opened in the spirit realm...

... for blessings to flood your life day and night.

The spiritual victory Sister W has just recorded in this dream will have a spill-over effect on every area of her life.

And this will happen in very short order.

Yes. We are now in a time of unusual dream visitations. And resounding victories for the spiritually prepared.

Are you prepared?

Breakthrough Lesson #3
(You blessings, even your life and loved ones, may be at risk
if you do not learn how to fight and win your dream battles)

Of Dreams And Diabetes

'There has always been an issue of diabetes from my fathers side to the point that my father passed on at an early age because of diabetes. Early in 2011 my brother was diagnosed with diabetes and this opened my spiritual eyes the more.

When I went into pray the Lord revealed a lot of things as in the root cause. So I prayed beforehand but the signs and symptoms started showing up on my side and I would pray and also declare the healing prayer points and also confess everyday that I will live and not die, I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

One night I had a dream where the Lord himself was fighting the spirit of diabetes from back home outside the courtyard of my family home and the spirit was completely defeated. Well in 2013 the symptoms persisted and my glucose levels were steadily rising. This year during the 27 Minutes to Midnight program there a prayer point that said;

Evil spirits that are renewing age-old bondage in my life, let the Rod of God break your backbone in Jesus name.

I aggressively prayed it and also reminded the enemy that the Lord had fought the battle way back and won it according to the dream. Sooner or later my doctor requested for a 2hr glucose test and it was high so I was scheduled for the 3hr test which would either confirm me diabetic or not. Before the test I prayed and even during the test I prayed. The test results returned and I was NOT diabetic. Praise be to God.'

- Katlyn

She is not done yet.

Those powers that wanted to transfer this disease through the bloodline did not give up easily. And that's when they discovered that this sister knows a thing or two about how to fight her dream battles.

Spiritual Vampires Elisha Goodman Pdf

In fact they howled in fear when she rolled out just 2 of the secret weapons of the prayer eagles.

2 Secret Weapons for Dream Battles

Secondly during the 27 Minutes I had a dream of dead relatives pursuing me and even sucking my blood. It was scary. But I stood my ground as a child of God and commanded the finger of the Lord to deal with every spirit of the death that is standing against and opposed to me.

In the second dream I saw my self fighting one of these dead relative and cutting them into pieces I left them bleeding. Lately I had another dream when we were in a family meeting and these dead spirit were pointing at me saying:

“That is the one with the fire of the Lord, are you gonna release the fire of the Lord to pursue us? I said yes let the fire of the Lord destroy you”

I call this victory and give glory to God.


Did you see it? This eagle is a prayer strategist. In one incident she used one fearsome weapon. In the next case she switches right over to an even deadlier one. Mind you, all these things happened in her dreams.

No wonder the ancestral powers that have been fighting her are now living in mortal fear of her!

To be clear, The finger of God is a terrible weapon to deploy against any enemy. I hope you know when we say enemy here, we are NOT referring to human beings. Ephesians 6:12 explains this beautifully.

Of this little-known weapon, the Bible says:

'And the LORD said to Moses, Say to Aaron, Stretch out your rod, and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not: so there were lice on man, and on beast. Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, This is the finger of God... ' Exodus 8: 16-19

During His earthly ministry, our Lord Jesus also deployed this weapon against demonic powers.

But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. When a strong man armed keeps his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he takes from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divides his spoils. - Luke 11:20-22

In this year of TAKE BACK You Need to...

Take your dreams way more seriously.

Here's my question to you:

  • Do you understand your dreams?

  • Do you even remember them when you wake up?

  • Do you realize that the Lord has been showing you answers to your prayers in the dream... way before it happens?

Elisha Goodman Spouse

Here’s just one recent case study... from Busie, an eagle-eyed prayer warrior, in New Zealand :

'I Still Feel Like I'm Dreaming'

The day I received Dr Jane’s testimony and prayer she prayed, I was to go for an interview the next day. I had been applying for jobs for the past 4 years and going for interviews and nothing came out of it despite praying and fasting.

So when I opened my e-mail with Dr Jane’s testimony the first word I noticed was “HIRED” that was a confirmation for me that the job interview I was going to, the Job was MINE. I believed and prayed the prayer and went to the interview the next day.

To be honest I was very nervous during the interview and after the interview I was very discouraged thinking that I messed up the interview, but something in me kept on saying continue with the prayer “Dr Jane’s Prayer”. So I prayed it for the next 8 days following my interview and left everything in God’s hands.

During those days I had a strange dream being told I was going to live in a rich country and also being showed a number 69%. it was not quite clear what it was all about, but I just believed that I must have got the job.

On the 8th day (14/03/13) I received a phone call to say we are offering you a job I was so excited and I still am as this job is BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMS. I still feel like I am dreaming but I just wanna praise the Lord Jesus for his faithfulness and for replacing what the devil has been stealing from me. May God continue to bless brother Elisha and this website for reaching out to people like us.
Busie, New Zealand

Do You Still Think That
Your Dreams Do Not Matter?

Please think again.

What you are now reading is an extract from a sizzling hot New Special Report that IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO those getting ready for the Diamond Edition.


The reason it has the word Diamond in its title is because it is quite hard and rigorous. Even though you will be using more or less the same lessons (plus A FEW MORE), they will be following a new prayer/fasting track.

This new program track begins shortly.

To kick things off, what you should expect immediately is this prayer manual ...

3-Day Emergency Prayer Manual
Against Dream Vampires

It contains, among other things...

Spiritual Vampires Elisha Goodman Pdf Free

  • A different prayer/fasting schedule - the DIAMOND Edition

  • 3 MORE days of prayer to plug into the power source of heaven

  • Embedded prophetic action never before shared publicly

  • And so much more

Please Watch Your Inbox For More

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