Starbound Custom Weapon Maker

For anyone wanting to get into designing custom weapons I'd recommend learning how to format the code then checking out Reddit for ideas. Many people there have made great creations and it's a simple matter to reverse engineer the code once you've learned the format. For anyone wanting to get into designing custom weapons I'd recommend learning how to format the code then checking out Reddit for ideas. Many people there have made great creations and it's a simple matter to reverse engineer the code once you've learned the format.

Weapon Chest

A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.


Weapon Chest is a storage type object that contains various weapons when found on planets.

Starbound Custom Weapon Maker Free

Starbound Custom Weapon MakerWeapon

Starbound Custom Weapon Maker Codes

This container also doubles as the Glitch Sewer chest - when it appears there, it is filled with Glitch Sewer Treasure rather than Weapon Chest Treasure.


Racial Descriptions

Apex : A weapon chest. Maybe there'll be something good inside?
Avian : These weapon chests are built strong, to protect the contents.
Floran : Let'ss get chesst open! Maybe pointy ssstabby weapon insside.
Glitch : Eager. No time to waste, open it up!
Human : A weapon chest, now that's a welcome sight.
Hylotl : Presents are most exciting when they're still wrapped.
Novakid : A chest for the safe storin' of weapons of all kinds.
Starbound custom weapon maker download


  • objectName: weaponchest

File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem weaponchest
File Name weaponchest.object
File Path assetsobjectsgenericweaponchest

Starbound Custom Weapon Maker Download

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